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Russia & Former Soviet Union

Ukrainian strike in Donetsk kills 3 civilians – officials

At least three people were killed and five injured after a bus in the city of Donetsk was hit by a projectile

©  Telegram / dnronline

At least three civilians were killed in the Ukrainian shelling of northwestern Donetsk, the local territorial defense force said on Friday. One of the Ukrainian projectiles hit a regular bus carrying people home from work, authorities said, adding that the bus was “destroyed.”

Photos and videos that surfaced on social media showed the charred wreckage of the bus that was apparently moving along a street in Donetsk when it was hit by a Ukrainian projectile fired by a ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launcher. 

Three people died in the incident and five more received injuries, local authorities said. 

Earlier on Friday, Donetsk authorities claimed that Ukrainian forces had shelled several areas in the city, including a hospital. At least one rocket made a direct hit through the roof, images from the scene suggest. The attacks left at least one person dead and fourteen others injured, officials in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said.

Kiev denies the accusations that its forces launch daily artillery attacks on civilian targets in Donetsk. It claims the shelling is done by DPR and Russian forces to discredit Ukrainian troops.

Children among injured after shelling of Donetsk hospital – DPR


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